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Walk with Jesus everyday!
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Blessed - Week 1
1Day 1: Week 1: Blessings. How to spot a blessed person. We are salt and light.
Week 1: Take the ‘blessed’ test, a taste test, and light test.
2Day 2: Paralytic through the roof. Jesus calls Levi the tax collector.
3Day 3: Simon’s miraculous catch of fish prompts him to follow. Jesus heals a leper.
4Day 4: Jesus raises the son of a widow to life. “blessed is the one not offended by me”
5Day 5: Jesus heals a bleeding woman and Jairus’ daughter.
6Day 6: The man born blind (part 1): Healed by Jesus, interrogated by the leaders.
7Day 7: The man born blind (part 2): Leaders question him again. Finally, he sees his healer.
Boundaries - Week 2
8Day 8: Week 2: Boundaries. Jesus draws the line on murder, adultery and divorce.
9Day 9: John the baptizer explains repentance, baptizes Jesus.
10Day 10: At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus resists temptation.
11Day 11: Marriage is cherished. Jesus blesses little children.
12Day 12: Sabbath grain and healing
13Day 13: Jesus eats with sinners, people upset. Stories: lost sheep, lost coin, lost son (part 1).
14Day 14: Lost son (part 2): He returns home. Their father’s reaction upsets the other son.
Generous - Week 3
15Day 15: Week 3: Generous. Keep your word; don’t resist an evildoer; love your enemies.
16Day 16: The Great Commandment. Story: the good Samaritan. Mary and Martha choose differently.
17Day 17: At a banquet, Jesus heals on the day of rest (Sabbath) and teaches on humility.
18Day 18: Story: Street people invited to a banquet. Before following Jesus, count the cost.
19Day 19: Jesus chooses the 12, and sends them out on their first mission.
20Day 20: Woman at the well (part 1). Jesus offers living water to a Samaritan woman.
21Day 21: Woman at the well (part 2). Jesus explains true worship. Her village meets Jesus.
Genuine - Week 4
22Day 22: Week 4: Genuine. Give in secret. Pray in secret and the Lord’s Prayer. Fast in secret.
23Day 23: The woman’s village believes. A nobleman asks for a favor.
24Day 24: Keep praying: Stories of a widow seeking justice, and a tax collector’s prayer.
25Day 25: Forgiveness is possible. Ten lepers are healed, only the Samaritan says thank you.
26Day 26: How many times must I forgive? Story of the unforgiving servant.
27Day 27: Jesus predicts his death. A request upsets the rest. Jesus heals two blind men.
28Day 28: David's Lord. Showy scribes. A poor widow gives all.
Trust - Week 5
29Day 29: Week 5: Trust. Store wealth in heaven. God provides food and clothes.
30Day 30: A father asks for help with his son and his faith (trust).
31Day 31: A rich ruler goes away sad. Jesus on real inheritance
32Day 32: Jesus heals the servant of a Roman officer, and commends his faith (trust).
33Day 33: Jesus: “I am the true shepherd, the good shepherd.”
34Day 34: Jesus feeds 5,000, and they want to make him king.
35Day 35: Jesus prays all night. Peter’s trust is tested when he walks on water
Relate - Week 6
36Day 36: Week 6: Relate. Speck and beam. Good gifts from our Father. Golden rule, narrow gate.
37Day 37: A sinner woman cries on Jesus’ feet, and he forgives her.
38Day 38: Jesus: “Who do you say I am?” Jesus blesses Peter, then rebukes him.
39Day 39: Story of four soils - people have different responses to the good news.
40Day 40: Leaders question Jesus on taxes, marriage in heaven.
41Day 41: Tax collector hosts Jesus, locals upset. Parade for Jesus entering Jerusalem.
42Day 42: Jesus washes his disciples’ feet
Results - Week 7
43Day 43: Week 7: Results. Judge a tree by its fruit. Hear Jesus’ words and act on them!
44Day 44: Judas agrees to betray Jesus. Jesus eats with his followers (the Last Supper).
45Day 45: Stay connected to Jesus, like branches on a vine. Love one another.
46Day 46: Jesus is arrested, and questioned by the high priest.
47Day 47: Onlookers mock. Three hours of darkness. Jesus dies, centurion’s statement
48Day 49: Alive, Jesus meets his followers, who are in a locked room.
49Day 48: Friends bury Jesus. Women find the tomb empty--and meet Jesus.
50Day 50: The 12 are arrested for preaching Jesus.
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