Course: 50 Days With Jesus - course


50 Days With Jesus - course

Text lesson

Day 49: Alive, Jesus meets his followers, who are in a locked room.

Alive from the dead, Jesus visits ten of the twelve! But has Thomas missed out?

The disciples were hiding out in fear. Jesus didn’t wait for them to find him. He found them! And their fear turned to joy.

First the women saw Jesus, and now the twelve. Well, most of the twelve. Thomas missed out. Again, Jesus didn’t wait for Thomas to believe. Jesus showed up and gave Thomas a reason to believe!

How about you? What have you learned about Jesus, that you didn’t know before? Do you feel differently about him, than you did when we started? Are you closer to what John said, “to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God”?

Read John 20:18-31

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