Course: 50 Days With Jesus - course


50 Days With Jesus - course

Text lesson

Day 44: Judas agrees to betray Jesus. Jesus eats with his followers (the Last Supper).

His disciples are ready to eat with Jesus, but he adds something new. Even while one of them has other plans.

The Twelve aren’t aware, but Jesus knows this is his last meal with them before he is crucified.

Last week we saw him wash their feet. And now he does something equally unexpected.

He took some bread and blessed it. Then he broke it and gave it to those with him. Nothing new so far—he did the same when he fed 5,000 people.

Then he uttered the words that echo through time: “This is my body.”

The cup of wine, likewise: thanked God for it, gave it to them to drink. Then said: “This is my blood, in the new covenant, for the forgiveness of sins.”

Jesus didn’t think his death was just the end of another human life. He wanted the Twelve, and all his followers, to know what his life, and his death, and his resurrection were really for. What fruit his life would produce.

Read Matthew 26:17-32

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