Course: 50 Days With Jesus - course


50 Days With Jesus - course

Text lesson

Day 43: Week 7: Results. Judge a tree by its fruit. Hear Jesus’ words and act on them!

Week 7: Jesus says we’re like trees, and we’re like people who build houses.

Fruit. Produce. Jesus took items we buy at the grocery store and made them a metaphor. We are like trees, and we are identified by our fruit. You can tell what kind of person a person is by the results of their daily life.

What were the results of Jesus’ life? And what does that say about him? What kind of person was he? Could he be more than human?

As we read this week, notice the opinions of those familiar with Jesus, and the opinions of those who never met him before. See what they think of this Jesus and his actions.

Read Matthew 7:15-29

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